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Our Team

We are a small international company, quite diverse in our set-up. Our team includes experts, seniors, juniors, and students, all working together as change agents and enablers towards an inclusive and sustainable economy.

Roland Waardenburg

+31 6 5325 4654

Ruud Nijs

+31 6 2241 3774

Sharon Ng

+65 8113 2738

Sway Leung

+31 6 2097 7622

Nguyen Hau

+31 6 4427 5320


Our Mission

Supporting your transition to inclusive and sustainable supply chains.

Our Approach

UNIQUE - We have developed a practical and pragmatic approach to guide and support organizations in becoming more inclusive. This flexible and adaptable methodology is the result of +20 years of experience from the team and is built around several building blocks, including benchmarking, due diligence, vision and strategy development, and stakeholder dialogue. 

TOGETHER - We use a small "i" in inclsve to avoid seeming all-knowing. We want to be modest enough to recognize that we know a fair bit on how to make the economy more inclusive. At the same time, we acknowledge that we need others' experience, knowledge, wisdom, and feedback to make it happen.

Our Approach

Our Partner

We don’t work alone. We work with partners all the time. One of them is a frequent partner:

Fair & Sustainable guides clients on creating sustainable economic opportunities for people in developing countries through Responsible Business, Value Chain Development, and Program Management support.


We work with Fair & Sustainable on managing the Juice CSR platform, and collaborate on due diligence and living income/wage projects. 

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